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Find your English ancestors
44/(0) 1548 531169
A professional genealogical service helping you solve your family tree problems. Devon specialists.

If you are in the UK, please remember to add 4% to each payment to cover our PayPal fees.
(To calculate this: divide by 100 then multiply by 4).
If you are in Australia/New Zealand, please add 6% to cover our PayPal fees.
If you are in the USA/Canada, please add 5% to cover our PayPal fees.

TEL: 44/(0) 1548 531169
© Copyright Devon Family History Research 2024
1. Have you already sent us a completed order form?
Please note that you should not pay us anything until you have sent us a completed order form.
You must complete one of our order forms if you wish to order work from us. The sale cannot be processed without your completed order form.
Please note that when you place an order with us, you are expressly acknowledging that you are under an obligation to pay. Our order form will ask you to confirm that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.
2. If you need one, request an order form:
To request an order form, please go to our contact page and then either email or ring us.
3. Pay now:
Please use the blue button above to take you straight to PayPal - where you can make your online payment in a secure environment.
PayPal accepts all the major debit and credit cards, or you can use your PayPal account if you have one. UK clients do not need to have a PayPal account.
If you are in the UK, please add 4% to each payment to cover our PayPal fees (to calculate this: divide by 100 then multiply by 4).
If you are in Australia/New Zealand, please add 6% to each payment to cover our PayPal fees; if you are in the USA/Canada, please add 5% to each payment to cover our PayPal fees.
If you'd rather pay a different way, or if you are outside the UK and you don't have a PayPal account, please see our terms and conditions for further information about acceptable payment methods.
What happens next:
When we have received both your completed order form and your payment, we will formally acknowledge your order and give you an estimated completion time for your work. Our contract will start with you when we acknowledge your order.